Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fruit Or Vegetable?

"The pursuit of quantity at all costs is dangerous in farming. Quantity should be aimed at only in strict conformity with natural law, especially must the law of the return of all wastes to the land be faithfully observed. In other words, a firm line needs to be drawn between a legitimate use of natural abundance and exploitation." (From "The Soil and Health-A study of Organic Agriculture, Sir Albert Howard; pg. 66)

Tomato- Fruit Or A Vegetable?

If it has seeds, it is a fruit.

Thus tomatoes are, botanically speaking, fruit. As are, for that matter, cucumbers and squash, among others. Here is the first installment of the list of tomatoes that will be grown at Z Food Farm this coming season. The early tomatoes should be available at the beginning of August; as always this is predicated upon favorable weather. Let the countdown begin.

Black Krim- Excellent tasted. Described as very intense, smoky, salty. Like downing a good single malt scotch. Best for fresh eating.

Black Plum- Uniques sweet tangy flavor. Low acid. Some prefer this variety for sauce because of the nice rich color.

Black Prince- Full of juice and incredible rich fruity flavor. Perfect for eating fresh.

Black Zebra- Exceptionally rich, complex, really delightful tomato flavors that contain hints of smoke and sweetness.

Cherokee Chocolate- Deep, rich, smoky, sweet. Best for fresh eating.

Cherokee Purple- Deep, rich, smoky, sweet. Best for fresh eating.

Beam’s Yellow Pear- Great taste. Ideal for salads.

Black Cherry non-heirloom- Excellent taste. Fruity and well balanced. Best for fresh eating.

Aunt Ruby’s German Green- Excellent taste. A perfect balance of acid and sugar. Fruity, grapey, and spicy.

Aunt Gertie’s Gold- Excellent taste. Sumptuous, rich flavor. Best for fresh eating.

Amish Paste- excellent taste; rich and sweet; firm, meaty, and juicy. Is listed on Slow Food USA’s Ark of Taste. Makes a delicious tomato sauce.

Cosmonaut Volkov- Full, rich flavor. Perfect blend of sweet and tart. A rich complexity.

Big Beef (non-heirloom)- Flavor is full and hearty with lots of sweet juice balanced with that wonderful tomato acidity. Large and juicy.

The following are the seed companies where the tomato seeds were purchased.

Fedco, Tomatofest, Seed Savers Exchange, Johnny's, Uprising, High Mowing, Gourment seed, Rutgers.

Until August may visions of juicy tomatoes get you through the next few months. Support organic farmers. Support local and sustainable farming. Happy and healthy eating to all.

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