It has been way too long since last writing about
the happenings at Z Food Farm. So, much belatedly, and probably out of order,
forthcoming there will be a few posts to provide a sense of what has been happening.
The first item is the weather. Certain crops can
survive temperatures into the low 30’s. Some can survive cooler temps if they
have row cover to protect them. However, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants,
and summer squash are not among plants that can tolerate the lower
temperatures. So it came to pass that on October 12 that the temperature went
down to 30 degrees, which resulted in the death of the
above-mentioned plants.
While frost and the death of plants is routine for this time of year, the
frustrating thing about this was that it wasn’t until November 5 that the
temperatures were again that low. But for that one night David would have been
able to have tomatoes, peppers and the others to bring to market. Such is the
nature of farming.
Staying with the weather theme, you might have
heard of a certain hurricane by the name of Sandy. The farm came out of this
storm relatively unscathed. In three places a tree fell on the deer fence and
the power went out for five days. In total these were minor inconveniences that,
when all is said and done, is nothing to complain about. Considering the
staggering impact that the storm had throughout many parts of New Jersey and
New York, and the severe damage sustained by other farms, Z Food Farm was extremely fortunate. Z Food Farms great fortune is a
blessing that is not taken for granted.
On the heels of the hurricane, there was a
Nor’easter storm that came through the area November 7. The storm dumped about
six inches of snow on the farm and this proved to be more of a problem than the
hurricane. With the hurricane the biggest issue was being unable to get crops
washed following harvest in anticipation of getting to market. No power meant no
water, as the well’s pump requires electricity. As he has in the past, Farmer
Matt of Cherry Grove Organic Farm was a great friend to David. Since Z Food
Farm was without water to wash the produce, Matt, whose farm did not lose
power, gave David access to his sinks. This allowed David to wash the field
soil off of everything and to bring things to market in the manner to which all
are accustomed. As has been said before, thank you Matt.
The snow was more problematic. The short version
is that the harvesting scheduled was thrown out of wack. This resulted in the
absence of a couple of items at the Philly market on Saturday and the New York
market on Sunday. Again, in the overall scheme of things, these were
inconveniences, not tragedies. The writing of this is to provide a historical
perspective of the happenings at the farm. It is not a complaint about these
two events. The reality, beyond the hurricane and the Nor’easter, is that
farming, large farms and small, is always at the mercy of the weather.
The support and concern of all who asked about the
well being of the farm is greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.
Prior to the first frost, the third planting of summer squash was producing a bounty of produce. Sigh. Something to look forward to in the coming season.
Kale is very hardy and is quite able to tolerate cold temperatures. If anything, the cold weather enhances the taste of kale.
While these fennel fronds look good in this picture, the cold temps of recent days has taken a toll on the fronds. The fennel bulbs are still in good shape and will make it to market.
Leeks are another very hardy item. These leeks will actually 'winter over'; they won't be harvested for this season and will be available for harvest in the spring.
Something to look forward to- organic strawberries! Strawberries are planted in the fall and produce fruit in the spring. The big challenge will be for them to survive the deer. Deer are a very expensive pest for farmers, home gardeners and anyone trying to grow things.
These two pictures show a couple of the trees that fell on the deer fence. Some chain sawing and restringing of wire will fix things without too much fuss or bother.
Again, thanks to all for your concern about the well being of the farm.
Support your local farmers. Know where your food is coming from. Peace and good health to one and all.