Thursday, December 29, 2011

Los Endos - Pt. 1

“There’s an angel standing in the sun, free to get back home.”

Belatedly, with apologies…

The last market of the season was on Dec. 3 at Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. The last New Amsterdam market, in NYC, was on Sunday, Nov. 20. The last on-site farm stand was Wednesday, Nov. 16. On behalf of all associated with Z Food Farm, a great shout out of thanks to all who supported the farm the 2011 farm season.

This was the second year that Z Food Farm participated in the Rittenhouse Square Farmers’ Market under the auspices of the Farm To City organization. Thanks to Kristen, the hands-on market manager, for all of her efforts. (If you are interested in more info about Farm To City and the various programs and markets that they run go to The first year at the market (2010) was a huge success for the farm. This year was even better. To the residents of the Rittenhouse Square area, to those who may not live near the Square but still use the market as part of their regular shopping, and to those who just happen to wander by, thank you so much. Old friends and new, your patronage has been greatly appreciated.

This was the first year that Z Food Farm participated in the New Amsterdam Market in New York City. This is a relatively new market and it has the goal of “leading the redevelopment of the East River Market District in Lower Manhattan.” The manager of the market, Robert is striving to create a “Public Market” in the spirit of the historical nature of the Fulton Fish Market and surrounding district. For more information about the goals Robert has for the market, and about specific vendors, go to The market is located in front of the Old Fulton Fish Market on South Street and Peck Slip in Lower Manhattan; it is just south of the Brooklyn Bridge. As a newcomer to the market Z Food Farm felt warmly welcomed by those who have previously shopped at the market and by those who were discovering the market for the first time. Becoming a part of the New Amsterdam Market family of vendors was a wonderful experience for Farmer David and the farm. To those who supported the farm by purchasing some of your produce us, thank you ever so much. Whether in Philly or NYC, you, the consumer, have many choices as to where you can buy your produce and Z Food Farm does not take your support for granted. The heartfelt thanks from David and company are extended to all.

As mentioned in an earlier posting, the Lawrenceville Farmers Market ceased operations during the course of the farm season. It is unfortunate that this happened. Whether the market makes a comeback is not known at this time. Regardless, the support of those who bought their produce at the L’ville Market this year and last is appreciated. In addition, thanks to all who have stopped by the farm on Wednesdays and Fridays these past two years to buy their produce.

At this time Z Food Farm will be returning to both the Rittenhouse Farmers’ Market and to the New Amsterdam Market for farm season 2012. In addition, the on site farm stand will return. We look forward to building on the successes of these first two years and learning from, and improving upon, those areas that fell short of our own expectations.

While the winter hiatus has only recently begun, the start of the next season is not that far down the road. Seeding for farm season 2012 will be starting late February/early March!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Hope the overall holiday season was a time of much enjoyment and peacefulness. And here’s hoping that the past year was a good one and that the coming year is one of peace, happiness, hopefulness, and good health to one and all.