Meet Peanut and Maple. They are Z Food Farm's cats. As kittens they are social and loving. Hopefully they will turn into 'mousers' and keep the barn and greenhouse as mouse free as possible. Earlier in the season mice ate two seedings of one variety of sunflower and one variety of winter squash. Also, having mice in the barn is not a good thing. We look forward to a decrease in the local mouse population.
Garlic is a one time harvest. It is then place on the tables you see below to 'cure'; that is to keep it dry so that moisture does not cause it to go bad. Not seen in this picture are a couple of fans that are used to aid in keeping the garlic dry. The variety David has is a hard neck garlic; "Hardneck garlics have fewer, larger cloves then the softnecks. They also have less of an outer bulb wrapper, sometimes none at all. This makes them more sensitive and reduces their shelf life." Most garlic found in stores is 'softneck'; "Almost all supermarket garlic is a softneck variety. This is because softneck garlic is easier to grow and plant mechanically and also keeps for longer than hardneck. garlic." ( the specific variety that David has is musik. It is a wonderful tasting garlic. If you like garlic you won't need to worry about its shelf life. As it is, if you don't immediately use it, it will still last 3-4 months or more. Keep it in a cool, dry place and you should have no trouble with it lasting.
A bed of salad mix. David has four varieties of lettuce in his mix. Both salad mix and head lettuce are currently on hiatus. Both will return within the next two-three weeks.

elements Restaurant of Princeton has an appetizer on their menu called- Z-Food Farm vegetables. Thank you Scott, Joe, and staff of elements!!
Here it is, David's walk-in cooler. It is 10x40. A 25,000 btu air conditioner is being used to cool it. Heavy duty plastic has been taped up in two places to divide the cooler into thirds. The back third at about 41ยบ. The middle part is a little warmer and the front end is warmer yet. A sturdier plastic barrier will eventually be installed to make the whole thing more efficient. For now the system is working out just fine and life is much improved.
This is what the truck looks like after being loaded up on the way to Rittenhouse Square. As you can see, the truck is quite packed. Ah, the fresh goodness of locally grown organic produce.
Happy and healthy eating to all.